My conspiracy of happiness
Aye, it's been 1... 2... 3... 4... Hi-5!... days since i last wrote.
But a lot's happened.
Just like it would in anybody else's mundane lives.
Only mine's a little bit more exciting, I guess. Lol.
So yea, just got back from an Esplanade tour.
The theatres were massive esp. the concert hall.
When the doors were closed, there was so much echo and air pressure.
I could practically hear the droning of packed air molecules invading my ear.
And we walked out of class yesterday.
Garf made us.
Tsk, hard drives.
Oh yeah, we got names for our lil brothers and sisters.
Captain jack, hard drive, ong schlong, virgin mary, cave of isolation and little lamb (i think so).
Not forgetting Eddie's - retro rocket.
Here's a treat for chocolate lovers.
Or maybe HAPPINESS.Extreme euphoria of every form. Yep... dancing rainbows, singing flowers, smiling sunshine, the entire Teletubbie bit.
Then there wouldn't be such things as anguish, hurt, turmoil, madness, confusion, melancholy, noir, or plain sadness.That sounds like an absolutely perfect dream to me.Then I thought of exploding marshmallows. Coz marshmallows make me happy.What if clouds exploded into marshmallows instead of rain when it got heavy?Lol okay, too random.
I'm too lazy to update but I just did.
Haa haa haaaaa.
I have something mean to say, but I ain't saying it.D'oh!
I'm alot more screwed than this
I didn't go school today 'coz I couldn't get up again.
I had this terrible headache since yesterday.
So I had to sleep it off.
I realize I've been peeling the dried skin on my right knee, but I forgot how I got it.
Then I remembered!
It was that night when we sneaked out and crawled on the carpet.
Lolololol. That was fun.
The scar of adventure is on my right knee!
Okay, random.
I actually missed my last ever lesson with Tim Clark today.
I always reached class earlier than him.
And he'd sing me praises for it.
But, but... I didn't come todayyyy.
I didn't know he wasn't facilitating us anymore.
Loads more things to do ahead.
AMD // tcejorp enuj // stol erom i t'nod rebmemer
I've got lots on my mind now.But I dunno which to turn to.(Arranged not according to priority)// Film IGizzleFinally we're done with editing! Woohoo!Sat in school 'til 9.30pm, and gave our final magical touches.We played loadsa random football, and random le parkour (for me, it was more like a random jump coz i only managed to jump over a box).Watching Garf try to kick the ball reminded me strongly of how Mirzan tried to kick a ball.A full swing of the leg but no contact with the ball.Cute, haha.(Note: The Omen is boring. I literally slept at the back, tho' Infra and Noir won't believe me. But they did manage to experience a good dolby surround sound by the ear. Hafoomph!)Oh yah! Porject Juen's due next week!And we're re-scripting it and... and... we haven't started!Kanizzle.// DMATo my team of princesses and the pea:Sorry for not turning up for class today.I couldn't get up in the morning.I shan't give anymore stupid alibis, but I'm terribly sorry.Especially to Garfie.// the BFI realise I'm terribly horrid at relationships.Sorry for not having time to spend with you.Currently my life seems to revolve around school alot.And to find a compromise is my biggest challenge.Please be patient.// friends namely toostoosmoosHmm, couldn't ask for a better bunch :-)// High school palsAfter reading this, you prolly wouldn't wanna be friends with me anymore."Haiz, I felt angry, piss off and sad coz my bestfriends never come.. They always like that.. Every outting or etc sure got reasons one not to turn up..Fed up sia..Don even wish to make an effort lor & they sometimes bastard me lah. Haiz,What sia they all.. This called BESTFRIENDS meh??? Frankly speaking lah, I enjoy being with this group of friends instead of my bestfriends lah.. I no regreds lah coz I have enough of their non sense.. Well,the last time I met my bestfriends (Natz and Ruz) was year 2004 Graduation Night..That was long ago and after that got gathering they never come..How I wish they read my entry and let them feel bad about it!!!ARGH!!!Anyway..Who cares lah they didnt turn up..I enjoy myself and have fun with the rest I happy already.."I'm a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, undependable "best" friend.Lange if you see me on the streets give me your best punch.I deserve it for every gathering I missed. I don't remember my excuses, but yeah.
I feel like being random again.
Random days come, random days go.
Random days come, with dancing rainbows.
Infatuation is one of the most beautiful natural occurences in the human cycle.
Even if it doesn't reach its destination.
You get caught in a moment where you swear little butterflies are dancing all around you, sparkling stars are shooting above you, and loneliness becomes a bliss because you actually get to spend time alone with him, physically or virtually.
Hahaha, I just love sharing stories.
Thank you for an absolutely lovely summer : )
Shall succumb to my stone factory now.
If only.
Just got back from Film IG camp.
I'm smelly, I'm tired, I'm cramping, I'm throbbing, I feel a booger invasion in my nose and I've got more troubles ahead of me.
I haven't bathed since Thursday morning.
So I expect ants to be crawling on my bed anytime soon. But we had fun doing loadsa random thingizzles.
We shimmied, we leapt, we zoom zoom zoooomed.By the time we settled, we were as pooped as cows.
(Dunno how that came abt but 'poop' and 'cow' look good together. Maha!) We did several short films and I had fun with all the lights, camera, action bit.But the best part's when you're done and exhausted, everyone sits down to eat dinner and watch the films you did.Wakakaka film criticism... Mise en scene!!!But the most tiring was when we had to do our Project Midnight which was at um... midnight.We were given 'til 8am to complete filming and editing.The lack of sleep was absolutely draining!By the time I started editing, half my brain's gone to tralala land.Tho' it bloody hell tired us out we still had our fun momizelles.Crawling on carpets giving our knees a whole new colour.Mut crashing in.Lying down on the balcony while counting stars and watching cloud formations.Eating lunch and watching art of flirting. (Ghaz, pls dun do that to us again)Crashing in and sleeping in each other's rooms.Sharing stories of the heart 'til the early morn.Trying to communizzle in izzles.Shimmy whimmies.Cam-whoring.Etcizzle, etcizzle, etcizzle.But yeah, the film IGizzles were cizzles!Lizzle yizzle aizzle!To tell a person something that means a lot to you is not always easy.Even if it was a carving on a tree, a note on a paper, or an sms.I wouldn't even have the guts to do such things.So thanks :-)Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Who died?
Off to film campIZZLE!
Shell be gone for next 3 days.
Hopefully my brain's still intact by then.
We're supposed to be mentally and physically prepared.
Film, film, film, aduiiiiii my synapses can't catch up.
I know why my synapses not gooood.
The electric impulse that travels down the axon to my synaptic terminal is probably weak.
So the excitability of my postsynaptic cell takes a little longer.
Causing a slower flow of information from one neuron to another.
Get the picture?Shit-ake!The tizzle shows 8.35-izzle, yo!And I haven't pizzle my bizzle for the cizzle!I mean, I haven't packed my bag for the camp.And I gotta be in school by 10am!Shit-definitely-tak-okay!I gotta rizzle now!See ya'll in 3 dizzle!
Stupid cupid
I would sing for a reason.I would scream for a reason.I could find bliss with a person.I could get pissed with a person.Why's love so hard to settle with?I'd love to give Cupid a good kizzle in his nizzle.
I got a title, yo!
Dudes, do ya'll realise in all my posts I don't got a title?
'Coz I didn't fizzling realise that it was off-ed in my settings!
I thought mine was spoilt or something.
Vagoo does have a meaning!
Shannon gave me this link: vagoo is a euphemism for vagina.
It's a much more pleasant term.
Just like how you guys keep saying kotek.
'Coz vagina sounds rude.So... vagoo!Tho' another slang would be: vagizzle.Like,Guy1: Dang yo fo shizzle ma nizzleGuy2: Up the big hairy cow vagizzleLols!Coolioooo.The suffix '-izzle' came from Snoop Dogg.So when you wanna say // "Rack up the balls and lets shoot some pool." It's supposed to be // "Rizzle up the bizzles and lizzle sizzle some pizzle."And when you wanna say // "I really need to take a piss very badly."It's supposed to be // "I rizzle nizzle to tizzle a pizzle vizzle bizzle."Aizzle my pizzle, I gizzle go dizzle.Whatever that meant.
Now's my turn to say,
Bahhhhh to Garf and Mut. They were staring straight at my faceee,beckoning me to try them.The quizzes, I mean.Lmao.
Your Hawaiian Name is:

Anani Ululani
Your Band Name is:

The Astro Panties
You Are a Little Scary

You've got a nice edge to you. Use it.
Your Birthdate: June 27

You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.
Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone
Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge
Your power month: September
Brainy Kid

In high school, you were acing AP classes or hanging out in the computer lab.
You may have been a bit of a geek back then, but now you're a total success!
Okay, this one's a little wrong.
If I was brainy I wouldn't be getting C6s.
Ekkk, unreliable.
If I was still mad, this is what my entry would've looked like//fuck you (imagine it at font size 72), DUDE.All i fucking asked for was a sketchbook and pencil.Why you so fucking worked up for??!!!Bro: You better pay me $10 now.Me: I only got $5.Bro: What the...Me: Oh no, I can't pay you yet. I have to pay $15 for film ig camp.Bro: Then you ask me to buy sketchbook for what?!Me: Coz I need it lah. I got workshop 2moro.Then he started taking out all the fucking things from the bag and threw them hard across my desktop.What the fuck dude!!!And his excuse?"I don't usually use my $10 notes."Shit i still gave him a sincere apology.But he didn't appreciate it anyway.He just threw the rest of the contents on the table.Dude, you fucking earn $450 a month and you can't even buy me a fucking sketchbook?!?!?!I'm shit broke lah!You get free meals at camp.I pay for my EZ-link top-ups and still paying your debts!And Dad still hasn't given me my allowance.The receipt says total amount was $6.80.Why the bloody hell you ask for $10 dammit!!!And you're so worked up coz you "don't usually use your $10 dollar notes"?!?There's more to life than money, dude.// But now I'm feeling better, so I take all that back.I don't usually curse family members.But it made me feel better anyway.And later I found out my dad actually paid for the entire thing.My bro only chipped in $0.80.No wonder he was worked up about using a $10 note.But anyway, thanks for the sketchbook. XD
Shitake, Bro’s gonna faint when he sees my cashbook.
1st week $53.90
2nd week $57.55
3rd week $74.80
Total amount saved $-1.55
HjjlghGYFjf654r^%yt^&TuhytYUyGY76567^&%KRISHNA!!!!!How can I spend more than I have??
(which means erm, odd to the max I think.)
But it’s spent mostly on EZ-link not-bottom-ups
and other very, very, very, necessary daily necessities.
We’ve started shooting for Project June
and while doing the scene where the lift jerks and jams,
we got asked for our ID and chased away.
Obviously, the school doesn’t appreciate art very much.
And after today we learn thattt
Babysitting + Filming = A lot more running + Headaches for Natz + a Daddy out of Garf :D
And here are some random doodlangs:
It’s supposed to be a shimmy when they kick their heels.
So yeah, speed, and reverberation of an electrifying heel kick.
Something like that.
I drew this when listening to Gwen Stefani’s 'Hollaback Girl'.
K, random, next.
Ha… ha… ha… ha… hafuuuu.
I call this one actionREactionWakakakaka.
Lastly, I meant for it to look like a disco ball
but it turned out to look like twirls of swirly whirls, fit for a squirmy worm.
So, yep.
The end.
Thank you for the stones.
Thank you for being a friend.
K I feel like being random.
There's some bubbly chemical reaction going on in my tummy.
I can totally feel it.
Like when you shake a can of fizzy drink and it gets all reactive and bubbly.
Like that la.
Hmm random days come, and random days go.
Random days come with dancing rainbows.
Where random days lead to, I really dunno.
Been stoning loads these days.
Come to school... go library... do "work"... watch DVDs... play Xbox...
Till the library closes.
Then we continue stoning outside.
I rode the bike to school today.
Hot damn, I sure enjoyed the wind blowing in my face.
But not when I'm freaking wearing a skirt!
Apparently I felt like wearing my sch uniform today.
I really miss wearing it.
But I only realised my mistake when I got downstairs.
But I was too lazy to go back up.
So like that la.
Film IG today!
I gotta say, the experience of learning film in a classroom ain't the same as handling the camera with your own hands and mastering it.
We had to do some random short film on a random story.
I can't say much but I shall put it up soon.
We got a bizey, bizey, bizey week ahead.
So I'll just go waffle now.
At last I've updated something!
Phwoar... I can breathe again.
We watched X-Men 3 yesterday.
Haven't enjoyed a real movie in the theatre for months.
I think we were annoying the others a little 'coz mid-screening
some would be shouting,
"Mise en scene! Cinematography! Noir! German expressionism! Film score!"
Film IG tomorrow.
We were supposed to have done our storyboard.
But we haven't even come up with a proper story.
But at the moment, our story involves shimmies, shuffles and a lot of random stuff.
And if possible, we'd like to sprinkle a dash of musical into it.
Soooo yah.
Gotta wait and see.