Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm alot more screwed than this

I didn't go school today 'coz I couldn't get up again.
I had this terrible headache since yesterday.
So I had to sleep it off.

I realize I've been peeling the dried skin on my right knee, but I forgot how I got it.
Then I remembered!
It was that night when we sneaked out and crawled on the carpet.
Lolololol. That was fun.
The scar of adventure is on my right knee!
Okay, random.

I actually missed my last ever lesson with Tim Clark today.
I always reached class earlier than him.
And he'd sing me praises for it.
But, but... I didn't come todayyyy.
I didn't know he wasn't facilitating us anymore.

Loads more things to do ahead.
AMD // tcejorp enuj // stol erom i t'nod rebmemer


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