Friday, June 16, 2006

If only.

Just got back from Film IG camp.
I'm smelly, I'm tired, I'm cramping, I'm throbbing, I feel a booger invasion in my nose and I've got more troubles ahead of me.

I haven't bathed since Thursday morning.
So I expect ants to be crawling on my bed anytime soon.

But we had fun doing loadsa random thingizzles.

We shimmied, we leapt, we zoom zoom zoooomed.

By the time we settled, we were as pooped as cows.
(Dunno how that came abt but 'poop' and 'cow' look good together. Maha!)

We did several short films and I had fun with all the lights, camera, action bit.
But the best part's when you're done and exhausted, everyone sits down to eat dinner and watch the films you did.
Wakakaka film criticism... Mise en scene!!!

But the most tiring was when we had to do our Project Midnight which was at um... midnight.
We were given 'til 8am to complete filming and editing.
The lack of sleep was absolutely draining!
By the time I started editing, half my brain's gone to tralala land.

Tho' it bloody hell tired us out we still had our fun momizelles.
Crawling on carpets giving our knees a whole new colour.
Mut crashing in.
Lying down on the balcony while counting stars and watching cloud formations.
Eating lunch and watching art of flirting. (Ghaz, pls dun do that to us again)
Crashing in and sleeping in each other's rooms.
Sharing stories of the heart 'til the early morn.
Trying to communizzle in izzles.
Shimmy whimmies.
Etcizzle, etcizzle, etcizzle.

But yeah, the film IGizzles were cizzles!
Lizzle yizzle aizzle!

To tell a person something that means a lot to you is not always easy.
Even if it was a carving on a tree, a note on a paper, or an sms.
I wouldn't even have the guts to do such things.
So thanks :-)

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Who died?


At 10:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I died!


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