Monday, June 12, 2006

Vagoo does have a meaning!
Shannon gave me this link:

Apparently vagoo is a euphemism for vagina.
It's a much more pleasant term.
Just like how you guys keep saying kotek.
'Coz vagina sounds rude.

So... vagoo!

Tho' another slang would be: vagizzle.

Guy1: Dang yo fo shizzle ma nizzle
Guy2: Up the big hairy cow vagizzle


The suffix '-izzle' came from Snoop Dogg.

So when you wanna say // "Rack up the balls and lets shoot some pool."
It's supposed to be // "Rizzle up the bizzles and lizzle sizzle some pizzle."

And when you wanna say // "I really need to take a piss very badly."
It's supposed to be // "I rizzle nizzle to tizzle a pizzle vizzle bizzle."

Aizzle my pizzle, I gizzle go dizzle.
Whatever that meant.


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