For all you people who haven’t stepped into RP’s new campus, here’s a sneak peek of it.
Photos courtesy of Hafiz Firdaus :D

This is the class.
Blinds down.
Abit bright, lah.

This is one of my favourite spots…
the library!!!
What I absolutely love about it is,
it’s absolutely covered in glass.
So when it’s raining, it feels like it’s coming down on you.
But you know you’re safely protected by the glass.
And also ‘coz… there’s no noise policy!
But please do be considerate about people
who’d appreciate silence.

Our good ‘ol canteen where I go to every morning to lounge,
sip bubble tea and munch on Taquitos.

RP’s entrance… Glassy! I

The path home.

No, I can’t leave!
I can hear it beckoning me…
“Natz, come back into the safety of my glass walls!
You know you want to…”
Bahhhhh. Lol.

This is one of the best parts of walking out of school.
Illumination makes me feel all warm 'n' fuzzy
esp. when it’s displayed aesthetically.
The fountains and the lights give a pleasantly relaxing aura.

View of the west wing from the bottom of the ramp.

What’s that figure? In the middle??

That was me.
Apparently Fizzy took it while I was
gazing up the ramp.
Day 1: T209 - Film Criticism & Analysis
So Natz, how did your day go?Just splendid! We spent the entire 1st meeting trying to get the worksheet from Eddie 'coz he couldn't upload it to LEO then we went for an STA briefing which ended around 1230hr and when we were starved and wanted some grub the canteen was overflowing with pathetic hungry humans like me and when we got back at 1300hr we still havent got anything done and when Eddie arrived at 1400hr we only just managed to capture the screenshots.................My day sucked. Period.
Went back to school yesterday with Fizzy.
For no reason, really.
Just wanted to experience it before school starts.
We walked around his block,
W3which was actually forbidden to outsiders.
And we almost locked ourselves in at the stairwell
'coz we couldn't open one of the exit doors.
The entire place is just so confusing.
E1, W1 - Level 1
E2, W2 - Level 2
E3, W3 - Level 3 (Yay, Agora!)
So school starts tomorrow.
We'll be doing
Film Crticism and Analysison
'Citizen Kane'.
And it's at... E2!!!
Know why I'm happy?
'Coz E2 is right next to the
library(I'm a book junkie)!
And even nearer is Cafe 155! Lol.
I lurveee the
Yam Snow Blend.
It has a nice blend of yam, milk and ice.
Haven't tried that Kaffe Esplanade, though.
(This time, the spelling's right. And I'm a coffee junkie too!)
And oh yes...
People, you gotta try this new thing at
Toquiritos or something like that.
It's like a long rolled-up piece of dough
filled with cheese, tar tar sauce, chicken etc.
At only $1.50!
Okay not that cheap... but it tastes like pizza!
likeeeeee :D
I got a littleee inspired after browsing
through a mag called
Computer Arts.
So I started playing with Adobe to make
my own er, computer art.
But if it's fugly, no worries.
It's just my first try. Lol.
Hopefully it gets better.

Kay erm, the girl is my PG0207 mate,
And if you notice the star on the right,
it's actually supposed to say
STAif you can see it properly.
So that's it for the moment.
Will be back with more.
Yesterday I was at the
FOP.Had a pretty rad time.
But we gotta watch out for the
freshmen this year.
fresh, and they're
They could present with confidence and validity.
It's as if they've been doing it since they were a foetus.
If they're this good now, they could be experts by next Sem.
My only aim for the day was to be able to
interact with them.
And Thank Goodness, most of the W16C-ians were Mr. and Ms. Smileys.
And this Indian guy from SHL wouldn't stop asking questions.
When's our break, ah?
Do we have to come back after this?
Do we have orientation tomorrow?
When does school start?
Will we be in the same class?
One of the student's a
New Media student.
And his skit was absolutely amazingly plotted.
In the skit, the teams had to pick 10 words
(which were not related at all)
His team arranged it into a nice chain of events that seemed almost logical.
After FOP, I
stayed back in school with Dhana and the others.
Then we saw
Varian walk by.
I held my breath.
Ever since I wrote his review I haven't actually spoke to him face-to-face.
But turned out he was cool about everything.
But sad thing is, he won't be facilitating any
STA classes.
He said he wasn't "qualified enough for STA".
Varian invited us to
tour the library with him.
Which was really gawk-some!
The library was huge okay!
3 whole storeys of it, with a cafe, a performance area etc.
But when you
stand at the top of the stairs,
I know this sounds cliche but,
you really feel on top of the world.
The view is mag-ni-fi-cent.
We now have
bubble tea in our cafe. (Yayyy!!!)
And there's another cafe called 'Kaff Esplanade'.
(I think that's how it's spelt)
It sells all sorts of coffee, cakes, pastries nonsense.
So I'll be going back tomorrow for the
film screening.
Hopefully I could treat myself to something yummy.
Yayyy! I've survived 1 year with my honey, Fizzy... Love you much! *muacks*
The first time I met him was back in PL0202 Semester 1.
On the first day of school, he walked into class late.
He had on a baby blue sports tee and spiked hair
(which seems to be permanently flat now)
I thought he was Chinese at first.
But I got a bloody shock when he introduced himself to the class,
"Hi, my name is Hafiz Firdaus..."
I never exchanged words with him for the first 2 weeks.
I thought he was plain anti-social.
Then one day we got talking on MSN.
But we were still not talking in class, 'coz we were so bloody shy.
Then one day after school, we went to Far East.
I have to say I have a terribly soft spot for gentlemanly boys.
He carried my bag...
He opened doors for me...
He pushed in my seat for me...
You know, the classic kind of boys girls love.
I was quite taken aback because I've never met anyone like him.
But I think I was abit dumb, lah.
I thought that was how he treated every girl, that he was just really really nice.
But as weeks went by, I found us hanging out alot.
And he was still going with his gentlemanly ways when with me.
I got suspicious, but at the same time I found myself falling for him.
And the rest is history =)
love you
Hafiz Firdaus.
Good news people!
From next week onwards we'll be watching weekly films for T209 Film Criticism & Analysis. :D
So next week we'll be watching a film called Citizen Kane. It's on Thursday at 4 pm. Subsequent weeks' screenings will be on Fridays 4.30 pm.
Check webmail for more details!
You know we’re living in a world rich with youth culture (as compared to what, the 70s?).
In the 70s, everyone had that huge afro hair (even if it wasn't afro, it was plain huge), times of Elvis, Jackson 5, bell-bottoms, kids would hang out at the skating rink, Saturday Night Fever, disco nights...
What about now?
We’ve got iPods to our ears, low-cut hipsters, skaterboys, breakdancers, rock stars, fashion-ists… you get the idea.
We’ve evolved. But who do we blame?
The media?
Advancing technology?
It’s just a natural phenomenon that youth trends change. In 50 years time iPods will be the most outdated thing ever.
But what if… youth trends can be CONTROLLED?
Which brings me to... Josie and the Pussycats! :-D
When I watched it few years back, I thought it was crap shit.
Then recently I watched it again and thought… this is a work of genius!
I just liked it ‘coz it was sooo colourful. The props, outfits, backdrops, and storyline.
In my opinion, anyway.
If you were any normal audience maybe you’d shrug it off.
But being a media student, you’d come to understand that it's showing what’s really happening in this world.
Media is one of the strongest medium influencing teens.
FYI, the low-cut hipsters that teenagers to amahs wear were influenced by people like Britney and Mariah in late 90s when their videos were broadcasted on MTV.
Josie and The Pussycats:

Everything from fads, to fashion, to slang… the
product placement… are controlled by MegaRecords, a music management team.

When kids pop a CD into their player, a voice in the background goes,
“Josie and the Pussycats are the best band ever!”
“They’re totally jerkin’! You must buy their CD!”
“Orange is the new pink”
“Heath Ledge is the new Matt Damon”
“You’re nobody without an Abercrombie & Fitch vintage tee”
And it’s played repeatedly.
So they’ve all been hypnotized… brainwashed… to purchase the goods.

In the movie, it’s called “
trend pimp”.
They have a little department where all the trend decision takes place.

“The new word for cool will be jerkin'. As in ‘Dude, that's jerkin'”
“Feather tank tops, matching pants, kind of a Buffy meets Chicken Run.”
Come to think of it… were we hypnotized by constant exposure to MTV, them fuddy-duddy TV ads, and magazines to go purchase our stuffs? Are we victims of trend pimps? LMAO.

“I love this song! If I don't buy it, everybody's gonna hate me.”
“And, I also want orange shoes.”
“You guys, orange IS the new pink!”
“I am sick of my Reebok sweats. I need some Puma sweats.”
And one girl said,
“I think that song sucks.
I plug my ears when crap like that comes on.
They’re just mindless drones who gobble up anything you tell them is cool.”
Too true. I’ll admit modestly, I'm one of 'em. :-)
I had quite a weird dream last night. I dreamt that Simon Cowell and his team were coming to RP for a visit. So they were sitting in the canteen. And guess who they wanted to see?
Me, of course! Lol. And my classmate, Wai Harng. So we were shaking hands when I startled awake. It was a rather exciting dream :D I love Simon Cowell.
I mean I really admire him for who he is.
A terribly honest bastard.
Video of the moment: Christmas light show
There wasn't anything spectacular about the lights 'coz they're all the same colour.
What was really funky-licious was that there was this really upbeat funky-bulous tune and the lights will light up at the same.
So lights and sound would be in sync.
Lighting co-ordination etc. were controlled by computer. Awesome!