Do you read me?
This is what i was supposed to publish:I feel like being mean
and ridiculous
and angsty.
An old friend of mine smsed me this morning asking how am i.
But i didn't reply him.
I stopped replying him since ages ago.
Yes it's you iays. (i just realised it sounds like ass)
You've become the unfortunate victim of my sudden craving to slur sillies.
Don't worry, one day if i feel really bad i'll take this post down.
But i don't think i'll remember to do that.
Just as i
was about to slur those sillies, by some magic chance he called me.
How in the world of ass crack did he remember my no.?
"I randomly pressed it."
Then he said "Glad to know youre okay."
Aaaaaah! Guilt-trippinggg!
Syai if you do read this................ hi :)
We're still friends right?
I love grow.
This is the wrong season for a haircut man.
Yes in case some of you don't know, i had a disastrous haircut.
Apparently i turned from Natz to Nathan.
Grow hair, GROW!!!!
And it's windy season. Sort of.
So there's no point in combing my hair anymore.
I say GROW HAIR!!!
I swear i'll never speak of backstreet boys again.
Argh, tummy's giving a weird reaction.
After a pepsi, a green tea, water, pepsi again, and mocha.
I'm enjoying my fart fest.
It's like
WHOA 16 weeks have gone by.
i just realised we won't be having classes with E24Q-E25A-E25G again.
where toostoosmoos started and where random thingies and thingangjengjengs happened.
shimmy shuffle mise en scene anal beads chair race retro rocket michelle bang han hafoo waffle raunchy garfield crazy taxi bubbly farts hang nadim i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts douchebag fo shizzle ma nizzle shitake heavy racist jodiiii muahaha steamrollah. etcetra.
i will miss all that stoopid shenanigans.
now that holiday's here, i feel like i got loadsa stuff to do but i can't remember what.
looks like i need to do my own time table.
yea, can we not change classes. so not looking forward to the next semester.
Zip it
don't tell me "I also got work what."
coz my freaking work and your work is different.
you underestimate me too much.
Sunday out
Today was different from any other Sundays.
I actually spent the entire day out with my family.
Something I haven't done since 2nd year started.
First stop, old neighbour's wedding.
I got told off for not wearing baju kurung.
But I was wearing formal so I didn't care anyway.
And just because I was walking next to my dad ahead of my stepmum, I got told off again.
"People might think you're his wife!"Um, okay.
Then my old neighbour asked me,
"You're in what level ready? Sec 4?"I sheepishly said,
"Um, year 2 poly."Do I look that young?? Okay maybe XD.
Then we went to see my brother doing guard duty at Istana.
I'm not a very patriotic person but I love men in uniform.
Not love like all googoo-eyed.
But just admire the way they look.

Disclaimer: 1970.01.01
And go watch
Hard Candy 'til your balls drop you douchebags!
Crazy cinematography.
And awesome plot.
Basically it's about online awareness and if you're the paedophile, don't succumb to temptation so quickly.
You never know when little red riding hood will turn on the big bad wolf. Red: a movement for online empowerment and awareness, inspired by the film HARD CANDY and its protagonist’s red hoody.