I don’t enjoy the presence of Mirzan (my baby brother) in my room because I know he’ll mess something up. But today, as I looked into those huge pair of puppy dog eyes, I just couldn’t say “no”.
The guilt was even stronger when he
broke into a heart-warming smile.
‘Coz I always chased him out of my room. I felt guilty, of course.
I love this boy to death. But sometimes
he can be a real pain-in-the-ass.
He’ll steal my money, poke at my laptop screen, mess up my table, steal my teddys, and draw on my things.
He’s the natural disaster of the Satar household.
He can talk now, but it
sounds like a mixture of English, Malay, French, Indian, and @$#!-ish. But whatever it is,
it sounds cute.
So I was just sitting on the bed with him.
We played abit of peek-a-boo, and the rest of the time I was just watching this lil’ bundle of joy entertain himself.

he pretended to pick something up, gave
it to me and said
“Happy Birthday, kakak”. Lol. He loves playing birthdays, esp. blowing out the candles.
So I asked him
what was it he just gave me. He tried to come up with something but he couldn’t, so he just
grinned sheepishly.
Then he pretended to pick something up again, and gave it to me. I asked him again what was it. Then he traced his fingers around his neck, and said,
“Love kakak”.Okay, maybe it was supposed to be a necklace to symbolize his love for me, but again…
aww, what a sweetheart.Sure hope he gets a nice, decent girl when he grows up.
I came across a nice site called
Group Hug where people actually make
anonymous confessions online. I thought it was interesting ‘coz sometimes when you feel absolutely shitty about something, and you can’t even tell your best friend, you dunno who to turn to.
Here's some nice material.
Some suffering from guilt-trips or depression:“I am
no one. I am
“I have
a nice house and
a nice car.
I go to
a good school in a good neighborhood.
I have
intelligence and maybe
even looks.
life seems promising but most of the day I hate my life just like you.”
“I'm sick of being
fat and out of shapeI'm sick of
having depressionI'm sick of
not having a perfect familyI'm sick of
wanting to dieI'm sick of
hating myselfI'm sick of being sick and tired.”
Some simply suffer from lust disorders:“Is it a bad sign that
I never masturbate to my girlfriend?
Always to anyone else but her.”
I like to pee on people. Sorry jess. I know you weren’t expecting that. :( ”
“I have
sexual fantasies about albino cats.”
I put my finger in my butt and then smell it.
It smells great. I know anyone else would hate it but I love it.”
Some purty funny ones:“I am
afraid to have a baby because
what if he or she turns out to be retarded?
I don't want a retarded baby.”
I'm gay.
Sorry dad.”
“When I got
my math quiz back last Friday I saw that
I got an A-. I tried so hard to fight back tears.”
“I honestly
believe my dad has a crush on me.”
And some other shocking ones:“I
want to cut off her nipples and
pull out her teeth.
Cut off all her fingers and toes one knuckle at a time.
Force her to drink my urine and
eat my excrement. Hold naked
flames to her skin until it blisters and burns. Put
maggots into her festering wounds.
humiliate and
torture her in every way possible."
My mom died from cancer two years ago and
my dad said I resent him because I wish he died instead of her.
And he's right.”
“We started
cutting each others arms and stomachs up with a Gillette blade. It was easily the
hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Rated at least M-18. And these are only few of 'em.
More at:
I think
I miss sec school for the wrong reasons. My best friend and I would spend every single day in class just singing the lessons away with songs from our fav. boybands. But of course… we often got into trouble for not being able to answer the questions. But that’s the fun of it, see! High school ain’t fun without a little mischief.
In my opinion,
sec school was a time full of pop boyband obsessions, and pretty boy crushes. I mean, that was one of the main reasons why I go to school – boys. My entire world revolved around them. My heart would just start thumping like crazy, and I loved every minute of it! I feel that it’s absolutely normal for stupid girls like me to go through such a stage.
I would spend endless hours online just staring at pretty popstars...
because they were just so pretty and perfect! I loved their hair, their gorgeous eyes, their perfect smile…
My eye candy:
And my favourite candy! Yum!

Total boyband domination, woohoooo!
*Sigh* Reminiscence – what perfectly pretty memories.
Okay so the pr0nSTAs got chatting the other day... and mut, Nora, and Garf came up with this idea that we should make our own name cards... though I'm not sure what for but, why not? Lol. Then from there we kinda developed our own
pr0nSTA logo. And Nora came up with a motto for us,
"To serve is to corrupt". We're still trying to refine the whole idea. And if everything goes well, maybe we'll have our own t-shirt too. :-)

(Name card)

Contents: Name, nickname, contact, diploma... and a half-naked body.
It represents the whole idea of pr0nSTAs.
PG0207s kite-flying was cancelled. So I stayed home and ate Maggie. Didnt realize how nice Maggie is. Havent had it for almost a year. Lol. So Ruz called yesterday, and we ran into several arguments.(Sometime around 2pm)* ring * ring *
Ruz: Youre at home? I thought you were going out with your class?
Natz: Got postponed to next week.
R: Ohhh. Come my house lah.
N: Dun want lah! I got stuff to do.
R: Alahhh. Come lah, very long never come my house. My parents miss you.
N: ...
N: You should have told me earlier that youre not working today.
R: You should have told me youre not going out today.
N: Well I would but I thought YOU said you were only free on Thursday.
R: I have Thursday and Friday off.
N: Then isnt that your fault?? If I knew you were free today I would let you know but coz you said you were only free Thursday, I didnt tell you. Hah!
R: Dont start pushing the blame on me.
Then I told her that I wrote a blog entry on the stuff she used to say about Filly in our diary. We put down the phone so she can go read it.
(15 minutes later)* ring * ring *Ruz: NATZ! TAKE DOWN THAT ENTRY!!
Natz: Na-ah. No way.
R: Its embarrassing okay!
N: I know.
R: Its soooo embarrassing
N: I even told Filly to go read it.
R: What?!
N: Dont worry lah Ruz. Not that many people read it... except my friends.
N: I mean we have to think of the majority here. Can't take down the entry just because of you. So its you against the world.
From the malu-ating blog entry we talked about this idiotic lady she ran into outside the bank.Ruz: I walked out of the bank then this lady said, "Uh… can you please give me $2? I want to eat." Then I said, "No!" Then when I walked away, she said, "SELFISH!!"
Natz: Couldnt you just give the woman $2? I mean for Gods sake, she hasnt had her br-unch.
R: No way! I won’t give her. I mean, she looked like she was wearing nice clothes and all that. She didnt look that poor.
N: Yah, but who knows maybe she already spent all her money and shes hungry and all she wanted was $2 so she can go eat but you wont give it to her. Its people like you that make the world a terrible place to live in.
R: Then you know what? I saw her go into Qiji and buy food from there.
N: Whats Qiji?
R: Its a place where they sell food for about $8 - $10.
N: She probably asked $2 from four other people. Lucky they were generous enough to give it to her.
R: I mean if she got no money, how can she eat at an expensive place? She should eat at the kopitiam in AMK Central.
N: But all she wanted was to eat at Qiji! Maybe she only had like $6 and you were too selfish to give her that extra $2.
R: But why must she eat there??!
N: Because all she wanted was to eat at Qiji! SELFISH!!!
We argued for about an hour more. Lucky that lady got what she wanted - to eat at Qiji. Lol.
Hmm... so I was looking through some webbies and I found some really weird but farnie stuff:
"Dieting can cause bad breath since less saliva is produced which leads to dry mouth" (Know what this means? Don't diet before you go for a job interview)
"Sex burns 360 calories per hour" (Think I saw mut tag something like that somewhere before...)
"If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of Superman" (If I farted for 6 yrs 9 mths, would I be Superman... or Paris Hilton?)
"The shoe and the foot are the most common sources of sexual fetishism in Western society" (Foot fetish? Ewwwwwww)

"Banging your head against an ant uses 150 calories an hour" (Just do it 2 more times, you'd burn more calories than sex)
"If you are locked in a completely sealed room, you will die of pleasure before you die of oxygen deprivation" (Just know that you'll get pleasure before pain)
"Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times" (Sennheiser users... beware)
And some nice pics:

You know in secondary school,
just when you think you were cool... If you look back at yourself 5 years later,
you'll realise how lame-ass-nerd you actually were.I never realised it...
I actually believed I WAS cool then... Then my best friend, Ruz, called last night and we decided to read our diaries from Sec 2 and 3... I was so disgusted I don't think I want to re-live high school...
It was the era of mega boy-crushes, girl gossips, major backstabbings, and more boy-crushes :) So we'd write it all down in our diary... Cute.
Some entires I found quite facinating:Natz's:
"Sorri 4 not coming 2dae... I juz didn't feel like it... The reasons:
1. Don't 1 2 see Ms Lims face
2. Haven't do Maths
3. Dunno what was last week's Art hw
4. I lost my Pancaran Bahasa book. Scared must stand outside.
5. I don't 1 2 see Nath's face... "Typical excuses for skipping school...
"Do you know what's my new hobby? You wouldn't believe it... it's stitching!!"Okay... I probably won't be able to face anyone again after revealing this entry... But I thought it was good enough to win "Nerd of the Century" Award... It was something I wrote for this guy I really liked. Sec 2 material, okay."You melt my heart so deeply that I can't feel,
The happiness welling up inside me, that's real,
This broken heart of mine can never be healed,
Until you say you love me, like it's such a big deal.
Your every move makes me sway,
As if a big wind is blowing hard against me,
I need to know how long will you be away,
Until you come back, I'll be able to breathe.
Your eyes are as sweet as a puppy's,
Your heart is as heartwarming as the fire,
When I see you, I scream "Whoopee!",
Like you are my only desire."
... I'm getting goosebumps...Ruz's:
"... Before I start, let me name my crushes... hahaha... here goes nothing!!...
Filbert (Filly), Dexter, Jan Fazley, Hidir, Simon! (ahem), Wilson, Ashley... "Lol... Ruz, Ruz... Sorry to humiliate you publicly... But I couldn't help it :P"He walks pass... man... I'm having a nervous breakdown... awww... Fil just walk pass me again... now sitting beside BJ... gosh... I'm watching his every move... gosh... he's sitting opposite me now!! ahh... natz... he's so gorgeous..."
Ruz... I don't mean to be rude but... Wait 'til Filly reads this! Hahahaha!!! Sucker.
"Natz... can i tell you something? I know i'm not supposed to write this... Natz!!! He was eye-ing at me... he looks by the side siak!! alamak... i'm melting... he really likes me~~ hahahahaha... Natz... the way he eats Oreo is the same as me... hahaha... amazing!!"Errr... NERD ALERT!But I think it's just a normal phase of high school to go through these things... I mean, for a girl. Phew, so many crushes we had. They came and left. Each time one left, a new one came in. And the tiniest signal of attention we got from them was considered "love"...
Ewww... Sombody bite me.